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See also: EV

Yo-kai Watch 2

IV in Yo-kai Watch 2

IV Calculator and Base Stats

IV Calculator: http://togenyanweb.appspot.com/Yokai/yw2/ivChecker_en.html

Yo-kai List with Base Stats: Base Stats (YW2)

What's Changed From Yo-kai Watch 1

The system has changed considerably from Yo-kai Watch 1, and it's SO MUCH BETTER NOW.

  • "IV_A", or the "Tribal IV", no longer exists. This is TERRIFIC because the Tribal IV was the hardest part about min-maxing your Yo-kai from the first game.
  • "IV_B_2", or the IV that rewards you extra points for evolving or fusing your Yo-kai, no longer exists. This is great, because it means if you get a high-tier Yo-kai like Signiton from the wild or the Crank-a-kai, it will no longer be weaker than one that you evolved yourself.
  • HP IVs, and HP EVs granted by HP-increasing Attitudes are now worth DOUBLE HP. This means that HP-increasing Attitudes no longer suck!
  • IV distribution is different, as detailed below.

IV Distribution and Influence

Every Yo-kai has 40 IV points randomly spread between their five stats: HP, STR, SPR, DEF, SPD. There is no Yo-kai with 38, 39, 41, 42 etc points, they ALL have exactly 40. The difference between two Yo-kai is where the points went.

I've done a lot of testing and in my experience, a single stat can have as low as 0, and as high as 15 points in it. What do these points mean? They mean at Lv99, the Yo-kai will have that many extra points in that stat.

As I mentioned before, HP IVs are doubled. Here's the IV formula:

HP / 2 + Str + Spr + Def + Spd = 40

For example, a PERFECTLY AVERAGE Yo-kai will have 8 points distributed in every stat - since HP is doubled, it's actually 16. That would look like this:

HP 16 / STR 8 / SPR 8 / DEF 8 / SPD 8

Total points is 40, since you divide HP by 2 for the formula. If this Yo-kai was on your team, at Lv99 he'd have 16 more HP, 8 more STR, 8 more SPR, 8 more DEF, and 8 more SPD than his base stats. Here's another example: my Snartle! His IV spread is:

HP 24 / STR 9 / SPR 3 / DEF 7 / SPD 9

As you can see, compared to "average", he has terrible Spirit, slightly above average STR and SPD, and great HP. It adds up to 40, because 24/2 = 12, + 9 + 3 + 7 + 9 = 40. It will ALWAYS add up to 40.

IV Calculation

Yo-kai Watch 2 is truly a godsend, they made it SO EASY to calculate. How do you do it? It's easy!

Take a fresh Yo-kai with no training (It doesn't matter if it's level 1 or 20, as long as YOU haven't given it any experience). Open the "Battle" App on your main menu, and go to "Edit Official Team". Look at your new Yo-kai: notice that it is showing his Level 60 stats! Take those stats and go to the IV Calculator that I linked above. Select the Yo-kai's name from the list, and type in his 5 stats, and hit Calculate! It will produce a range of IVs.

Note that sometimes it cannot calculate absolutely precisely - for example, it might say your Strength is "8-9". It will always be accurate within 1 point, at least.

Here's an example you can practice with to make sure you're doing it right! Here are my Kiwinyan's stats at Lv60, untrained:

224 HP / 125 STR / 76 SPR / 98 DEF / 108 SPD

Select "Kiwinyan" and plug those in, and if you did it right, you should get these IV results:

16 / 6 / 11 / 6 / 9

Now you know how to calculate your IVs!

Because the IV_A and IV_B_2 have been abolished, it's MUCH easier to soft-reset your Yo-kai, and arguably even unnecessary. For the most part, you just want to make sure the IVs come out benefitting important stats. You don't want your Cruncha to waste 13 points in Spirit, right?

Incorporating Attitudes is a different story, but it won't be necessary for the simple act of checking freshly caught/Cranked Yo-kai's IVs with this Calculator.

Attitudes and EVs

This guide refers to the SECOND Attitude listed on the Yo-kai, which refers to stats and behaviors. I will not be referencing the first Attitude, which influences Loafing rate.

Attitudes do two things: They give EVs (permanent stat bonuses) as you fight/use Exporbs, and they influence your Yo-kai to behave in a specific manner. You can gain a total of 20 EVs from Attitudes - each EV is worth 1.5 stat points, so overall Attitudes can give you +30 points to your stats at Lv99. Like IVs, HP EVs are worth double stat points.

Disclaimer: I do NOT know how quickly EVs are given in this game - there was a known formula for Yo-kai Watch 1, but I don't know if it carried over and it's impossible to test at this time. It does NOT take all the way until Lv99, but better safe than sorry.

Also, I do NOT recommend mixing Attitudes during levelling, especially without concrete knowledge of when and how the EVs are given. Just pick one Attitude to level with. Here are all of the Attitudes available in the game.


Stats increased: HP and Strength (20 HP EV and 10 STR EV points at maximum, meaning +30 HP and +15 STR at maximum at Lv99)

Behavior influence: Yo-kai will use Attack often, but will fight diversely


Stats increased: Strength (20 EV points at maximum, meaning +30 STR at maximum at Lv99)

Behavior influence: Yo-kai will almost always use Attack.

Logical Stats increased: Spirit and Speed (10 EV points each at maximum, meaning +15 to each stat at maximum at Lv99)

Behavior influence: Yo-kai will use offensive Technique often, but will fight diversely

NOTE: This Attitude can only be given to Yo-kai with Techniques that deal damage to enemies (offensive Techniques).


Stats increased: Spirit (20 EV points at maximum, meaning +30 Spirit at maximum at Lv99)

Behavior influence: Yo-kai will almost always use their offensive Technique.

NOTE: This Attitude can only be given to Yo-kai with Techniques that deal damage to enemies (offensive Techniques).


Stats increased: HP and Spirit (20 HP EV and 10 SPR EV points at maximum, meaning +30 HP and +15 SPR at maximum at Lv99)

Behavior influence: Yo-kai will use healing Technique often, but will fight diversely.

NOTE: This Attitude can only be given to Yo-kai with Techniques that heal allies (healing Techniques).


Stats increased: HP (40 HP EVs at maximum, meaning +60 HP at maximum at Lv99)

Behavior influence: Yo-kai will almost always use healing Technique.

NOTE: This Attitude can only be given to Yo-kai with Techniques that heal allies (healing Techniques).

Careful Stats increased: Spirit and Defense (10 EV points each at maximum, meaning +15 to each stat at maximum at Lv99)

Behavior influence: Yo-kai will Guard often, but will fight diversely.


Stats increased: Defense (20 EV points at maximum, meaning +30 DEF at maximum at Lv99)

Behavior influence: Yo-kai will almost always use Guard.


Stats increased: HP and Speed (20 HP EV and 10 SPD EV points at maximum, meaning +30 HP and +15 SPD at maximum at Lv99)

Behavior influence: Yo-kai will use their buffing Inspirit often, but will fight diversely

NOTE: This Attitude can only be given to Yo-kai with Inspirits that target allies (buffing Inspirits).


Stats increased: Attack and Defense (10 EV points each at maximum, meaning +15 to each stat at maximum at Lv99)

Behavior influence: Yo-kai will almost always use their buffing Inspirit.

NOTE: This Attitude can only be given to Yo-kai with Inspirits that target allies (buffing Inspirits).


Stats increased: Attack and Speed (10 EV points each at maximum, meaning +15 to each stat at maximum at Lv99)

Behavior influence: Yo-kai will use their debuffing Inspirit often, but will fight diversely.

NOTE: This Attitude can only be given to Yo-kai with Inspirits that target enemies (debuffing Inspirits).


Stats increased: Speed (20 EV points at maximum, meaning +15 SPD at maximum at Lv99)

Behavior influence: Yo-kai will almost always use their debuffing Inspirit.

NOTE: This Attitude can only be given to Yo-kai with Inspirits that target enemies (debuffing Inspirits).

Choosing Your Attitude

I get this question a lot, and I AM willing to give you my thoughts. However, here are my general strategies on deciding, to help you be more independent.

First, use the third link from the top to open the Base Stats list, or it can be viewed after hitting "Calculate" on the IV Checker by looking in the top upper right.

Second, you must know what they do. What is their Attack? Their Technique? Their Soultimate? Their Inspirit? What is their special Skill?

Here are some brief guidelines to help you choose your levelling (stat-gaining) Attitude:

  • Pure Physical Attackers should look at Rough (Strength+), Twisted (Strength and Speed), or Cruel (Speed+). Twisted and Cruel can only be used if they have an enemy-targeting debuff Inspirit. I generally like to keep their Strength and Speed about even, and pick my Attitude accordingly. Devoted (Strength and Defense) is a favorite of mine for slower, tank-focused Yo-kai. Helpful (HP and Speed) is an option if Speed is severely lacking and Twisted/Cruel aren't available.
  • Pure Spirit Attackers should look at Logical (Spirit and Speed), Brainy (Spirit+), or sometimes Cruel (SPD+). Logical is very strong and easily accessible and will almost always be the main choice. Brainy is good for high-Speed but low-Spirit Yo-kai, while Cruel is good for high-Spirit but low-Speed Yo-kai.
  • Mixed Attackers should be looking at Logical (Spirit and Speed), Twisted (Strength and Speed), or Cruel (Speed+). In general, a mixed attacker will benefit more from MORE attacks rather than boosting ONLY ONE damage stat, so Cruel should be the first choice if it's available.
  • Healers need Speed more than anything else, more timely heals are MUCH more important than bigger healing numbers. So instead of focusing on Spirit, focus on Speed. If they have a debuffing Inspirit, then PERFECT, give them Cruel (SPD+), otherwise you're going to have to go with Helpful (HP and SPD).
  • Avoid Grouchy (HP and Strength), Gentle (HP and Spirit), and Tender (HP+) for levelling. Those are generally weak, even with HP's boost. Defense is an overall superior stat to raise, mostly because more HP means more that needs to be healed by your healers, while more DEF lessens the burden on them.

Set IVs For Storyline Yo-kai

Good news, soft-resetters! Storyline/event Yo-kai do NOT need to be soft-reset. Pretty much any Yo-kai that you don't catch yourself in battle or get out of the Crank-a-kai has set IVs. The IVs are a perfectly even spread:

HP 16 / STR 8 / SPR 8 / DEF 8 / SPD 8

I've been doing a lot of research so I don't have a comprehensive list, but here so far is a list of confirmed Yo-kai who join you during the story/a cutscene/a quest who have set IVs:

Note that I just got Brokenbrella in my game, there are many more to come but my list stops here for that reason.

Please note that this doesn't mean that EVERY Swelton, EVERY Lie-in etc has set IVs. This only refers to the Yo-kai the game gives you due to story/event. Wild, or Crank-a-kai Yo-kai of the same name still have randomized IVs.

Effects of Evolution / Fusion on IVs and EVs

Please note that Attitude randomizes when you evolve/fuse a Yo-kai, so if you're training them specifically, pay attention!


IVs will be re-rolled, IVs of parent Yo-kai do not matter. EVs are carried over, I am not quite sure if it's one parent, or somehow both, and if it IS one parent, I'm not sure how it picks which one it is. Recommendation: Fuse ONLY untrained Yo-kai to prevent this confusion. Also, note that the Attitude will be re-rolled as well.


IVs will be re-rolled, IVs of the original Yo-kai don't matter. EVs are carried over, but as mentioned above, the Attitude might change on fusion so pay attention.


IVs sill be rerolled. EVs are carried over identically, but as mentioned above, Attitude might change so pay attention.

Adjustment for Competitive Battling

I have mentioned that IVs give a total of +40 total points spread out amongst the Yo-kai's stats at Lv99 (double points for HP). I have also mentioned that Attitudes grants +30 total points, either all in one stat or split evenly into two stats at Lv99 (again, double bonus to HP for each point in it). These are the Lv99 stats - since competitive battling is set at Lv60, you will receive a fraction of these bonuses. By messing with the IV Calculator I noted that you can benefit from a total of +26 out of the +30 EVs, which of most of them - however, your Yo-kai must have earned them all in the single-player game! They will NOT be automatically given by the game when it sets their level to 60.

As for IVs, not sure how much of the bonus you get - likely 60% of it.

Yo-kai Watch 1

IV stands for Individual Values.

IVs are present in Yo-kai Watch. IVs are determined immediately after befriending or recruiting a Yo-kai. Newly evolved or fused Yo-kai are treated as new IV. Newly Evolved/Fused yo-kai will adopt stats as though they were leveled from start-to-finish as their "default" Attitude, just like freshly recruited Yo-Kai do.

"IVs" are balanced out, so unlike Pokémon, you cannot simply have one Yo-Kai with "perfect stats" all around. However, IVs placed into stats that are naturally high on the Yo-Kai have a bigger impact than those placed in lower stats. This was already known from my experiments into IVs in the past, but it's confirmed now.

"IVs" from pre-evolved forms DO matter for the evolved/fused Yo-Kai, but it is not a direct translation. The newly evolved/fused Yo-Kai will have its own "IVs", but will incorporate the "IVs" of the pre-evolved/fusion material Yo-Kai into its stats as well. This is contrary to what was formerly understood in my guide.

There is a special "Tribal IV" separate from the "IVs" of each base monster that raise a particular stat extra for each Tribe. For example, all Tough Tribe members have a bonus "IV" level for Defense that can really jack up that stat.