Yo-kai Watch Blasters Guide

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Yo-kai Watch Blasters is a mini-game from Yo-kai Watch 2



  • Kyryn : Decent attack, good attack speed, 90 - 100 damage per hit with a decent heal, i think he would be better for co-op due to his circle heal, because the targeting for healers is kind of hard to control. Beware, do not charge your heal to the max if youre doing solo play, because it will heal less
    • Stats for Kyryn: STR-C SPR-S SPD-S
  • Unikirn : Very good attack and attack speed, even with his lower spirit, his heal is stilk very good because it's the slow charging one "paradise" which almost heals an entire health bar. Great speed for removing bombs. His attacks do 95 - 110 damage at level 99.
    • Unikirin stats: STR-A SPR-A SPD-S
  • Auntie Heart : Okay attack, great healing and speed for escaping bombs. She is basically the same as Kyryn, but she doesn't have a circle restore.
    • Auntie Heart Stats: STR-C SPR-S SPD-S
  • Peppillon : Even though i did kill ogralus, i ran out of time before i could exit, so i do not recomment using her. She has the same attack as kyryn and auntie heart, but her attack speed is horrendous. She has the same heal as Unikirin
    • Peppillon Stats: STR-C SPR-S SPD-S
