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Yo-kai Watch Episode 41

6,125 bytes added, 07:21, 6 September 2016
Created page with "{{Episode Infobox |image={{#ev:youtube|xI2TBeZ5Fss|350}} |Season=2 |Number=27 |English titles=The New Yo-kai Watch, The Unboxing |Japanese titles="Shingata Yōkai Wotchi o Te..."
{{Episode Infobox
|English titles=The New Yo-kai Watch, The Unboxing
|Japanese titles="Shingata Yōkai Wotchi o Te ni Irero" (新型妖怪ウォッチを手に入れろ), "Tadashii Hako no Akekata" (正しい箱の開け方)
|Original air date=July 18, 2014
|English air date=August 1, 2016
|Channel=Disney XD
|Previous=[[Yo-kai Watch Episode 26]]
|Next=[[Yo-kai Watch Episode 28]]
[[Yo-kai Watch Episode 41]] is an episode of [[Yo-kai Watch Anime]]. It consists of [[#Gourmet School Lunch: Meal 4 Fried Chicken!|Gourmet School Lunch: Meal 4 Fried Chicken!]], [[#Yo-kai Shmoopie|Yo-kai Shmoopie]] and [[#Yo-kai Yoink|Yo-kai Yoink]] stories.
== Part 1: Gourmet School Lunch: Meal 4 Fried Chicken! ==
Another episode of lunchroom tragicomedy, this time [[Nate]] is having fried chicken for lunch. In a
scene that is oddly reminiscent of a certain card game cartoon , Nate manages to luck out and get
3 huge pieces of chicken for lunch. He thoroughly enjoys savoring his fried chicken lunch, finally
arriving at his final piece of chicken.

However, in an attempt to eat the last piece in one bite, he accidentally drops the chicken into his
soup, getting it sopping wet and ruining it. Another school lunch ruined.

== Part 2: Yo-kai Shmoopie ==
Nate’s playing video games with [[Bear]] and [[Eddie]] in the park. Because Nate put so much effort into
his game character, he’s on a big winning streak. [[Katie]] shows up and wants to give Nate’s game a
try, so he lets her—but suddenly Katie erases Nate’s game save data, and all of his hard work
along with it. When Nate and his friends ask why Katie did such a thing, she responds by acting
cute and begging their forgiveness.

Nate falls for Katie’s cutesy act and forgives her, and when Katie asks if Nate will lend her a comic
book she’s wanted to read, he lets her. Later, Katie returns his comic book to him, but… she drew
all over the pages. Again, when Nate asks her why, she just acts cutesy and asks for forgiveness…
and it works again. But a second look at his “redrawn” comic book snaps him to his senses, making
him realize a Yo-kai might be behind Katie’s bizarre behavior.

No surprise, the Yo-kai Watch reveals [[Shmoopie]], an adorable puppy Yo-kai that makes people act
cute so when they do bad things others won’t get angry at them. Nate starts to summon a Yo-kai
to take care of Shmoopie, but Shmoopie starts acting cute and Nate decides to drop it. After that,
Katie does various mean things to her classmates throughout the day, always acting cute to deflect

At the playground, Nate asks Shmoopie if he’ll stop inspiriting Katie, but he flatly refuses. Nate
asserts that Shmoopie is only able to get away with his mean pranks because Katie is very cute, so
Shmoopie agrees to inspirit someone ugly to prove his powers. Nate summons the ugliest Yo-kai
he can think of, which is [[Manjimutt]].

When Manjimutt hears about the plan, he wants to flirt with girls and use Shmoopie’s power to
get away with it. However, when he actually tries it, it backfires as usual and he gets a firm slap
across the face. He keeps flirting with women, but Manjimutt is just too ugly for Shmoopie’s
power to work properly.

Shmoopie realizes he’s defeated, and gives Nate his Yo-kai Medal. Manjimutt saved the day with
his ugliness, but unfortunately he didn’t get to flirt with any girls!

== Part 3: Yo-kai Yoink ==
Nate’s dad is asking his mom if he can borrow some spending money, but she refuses him. That
reminds Nate that he let Bear borrow one of his video games—however, when he asks Bear about
it, Bear doesn’t remember Nate giving him anything. Eddie calls Nate out into the hallway where
he reveals that apparently Bear hasn’t been returning things that he borrows.

The two of them think it’s awfully unusual for Bear to just take things and never return them, and
of course when Nate checks with the Yo-kai Watch it reveals [[Yoink]] is behind it. Yoink makes
people borrow things and never return them to their original owner. Nate chases him outside the
school, and demands he return everyone’s belongings.

Yoink refuses outright, stating that when something is given to him, it’s his from then on. He then
demonstrates his power by making Jibanyan and Whisper give him a chocolate bar and the Yo-kai
Pad. Yoink brags that he can make anyone lend him ANYTHING, so Jibanyan asks him if he can
“borrow” the members of Next HarMEOWny. This seems totally impossible, but suddenly the
members of the band appear and start giving Jibanyan a massage.

Yoink runs off to Nate’s house to have more “fun.” When Nate gets there, he finds that his mom
has “borrowed’ 3 of his favorite TV heroes for him and his dad has borrowed the villain from
“Space Wars.” None of these things are going to be returned. Nate’s had enough of this and once
again demands Yoink return all the things he borrowed. Surprisingly, Yoink agrees, but on one
condition: Nate has to find something that Yoink can’t borrow.

Nate’s first attempt at stumping Yoink is asking that he “borrow” popularity for Whisper. Much to
Nate’s surprise, Yoink actually makes Whisper very popular, and numerous Yo-kai show up in
Nate’s room to fawn over the now-popular Whisper. Yoink actually “borrowed” popularity from
Jibanyan, who sulks in the corner of Nate’s room with a chocolate bar.

Nate has another idea, so he makes a deal with his dad to help him borrow spending money from
Nate’s mom. Yoink activates his powers, but no matter how many times he tries Nate’s mom isn’t
giving up the spending money, eventually yelling at him to stop asking because she’s not changing
her mind!

Defeated at last, Yoink gives up his Yo-kai Medal. The next day, everything is back to normal—Nate
got his stuff back, Jibanyan got his popularity back… and poor Whisper is back to being unpopular.


