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6 bytes removed, 20:22, 29 October 2016
Wazzat was eventually summoned by Nate in Episode 8 to deal with Fidgephant after Nate's unsuccessful attempts to deal with the pachyderm with Roughraff, Manjimutt and Illoo, removing his memory to let the Yo-kai discharge his power source, removing all of his power over his possessed, resulting in Nate obtaining Fidgephant's Yo-kai Medal.
Wazzat was summoned again in Episode 39 to help Keita stop Netaballerina Spoilerina from spoiling the ending of Space Wars 3. However, even he was unable to resist NetaballerinaSpoilerina's power, and Keita quickly left. Wazzat was mentioned briefly at the end when Whisper suggested summoning him when somebody spoiled it for them.