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Yo-kai Watch Episode 38
Season 2
Number 38
English titles "Our 300 Yen War", "The Perfect Butler Yo-Kai Sebastian", "The School Lunch Gourmet: Episode 1 ‘Curry Rice’"
Japanese titles "Bokura no Sanbyaku En Sensō" (ぼくらの300円戦争), "Kanpeki Shitsuji Yōkai Sebasuchan" (カンペキ執事妖怪セバスチャン), "Kyūshoku no Gurume Dai-Ichi-Wa "Karē Raisu"" (給食のグルメ 第1話「カレーライス」)
Original air date October 3, 2014
English air date September 3, 2016
Channel Disney XD
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Next Yo-kai Watch Episode 39
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Yo-kai Watch Episode 38 is an episode of Yo-kai Watch Anime. It consists of "Our 300 Yen War", "The Perfect Butler Yo-Kai Sebastian" and "The School Lunch Gourmet: Episode 1 ‘Curry Rice’" stories.

Our 300 Yen War

Nate, Bear and Eddie are marching solemnly down the street at sundown. The atmosphere is dark and serious. So much so that Whisper, for once, believes a yo-kai is to blame. But it’s not so. Nate explains that it’s only that they’re going to war until tomorrow with only 300 yen in hand. There’s a school trip, and the boys need to buy the perfect snacks.

Nate sits by the pond to strategize. He determines the best thing he could do is to buy the maximum number of different snacks he can on his budget. That way, everyone will want to hang out with him and trade, especially Katie. Whisper is calculating Nate’s costs as he fills a basket with candies, and tells him he’s going over budget, but Nate thinks he knows something Whisper can’t. The scene cuts to a sci-fi setting, and Nate, in a labcoat, announces a plan to make a mecha of snacks. He breaks down the cost of all the snacks while they dramatically form a candy robot. The cost of Nate’s super diverse mecha is only 305 yen. Bear got a huge haul by using his 300 in crane games and being amazing at them. Eddie got a small box of high-end Belgian chocolates on sale.

Nate thought he was being super clever, but his friends inadvertently destroy the confidence he built up impressing Whisper earlier. He’s so down, he lashes out and decides to summon a yo-kai. Except he doesn’t know who or for what. He settles on the all-purpose Robonyan. Nate breaks the 300 yen budget to have Robonyan play Bear’s claw game. The robot activates his “crane beam,” then just plays the game normally with his headlights on. And he drops the snack. Instead he switches to trying to cheat with a vacuum hose tongue, but it gets stuck. And the three have to flee when an arcade employee shows up.

When they regroup, Nate asks his mechanical bud to find good sales like Eddie did. So Robonyan shoots a satellite into space to find deals and opens a portal to one place he found. He travels there and back and found a great sale a candy shop was having on a wagon full of venomous plant monsters. Nate’s out of ideas, but he’s desperate not to be “normal.” Even though Robonyan is a chocbar factory, that’s not good enough. Their terminator friend says he can also make snacks from the future, but it’s just a firm, colorless nutrition cube.

When all hope is lost, Nate’s mom calls him downstairs. She remembered about the school trip, and made some adorable cookies for him to bring, and they all add up to less than 300 yen. After all that fuss, Nate’s snack problem is solved. Even though his room is full of nutrition cubes and murder flowers.

The Perfect Butler Yo-Kai Sebastian

Whisper is sick with the yo-kai flu. Nate can’t catch it, but Jibanyan thinks Whisper should hang out in the vacuum for safety, but he melts out of the vents in the case. He’s so sick, but he says his main concern is that there’s no one to fill in as Nate’s butler because he’s never even heard of another yo-kai butler. But Jibanyan finds an ad for one named Verygoodsir and calls for his services. Verygoodsir is in the door before the phone call ends. Then the new butler tries to vacuum Whisper up, and it only sticks for a little longer while Nate explains that Whisper is also a butler but is bad at it.

Whisper takes exception and starts a speech about how Nate only needs one butler, but Verygoodsir is busy doing more butlering than Whisper ever has. He cleans Nate’s whole room before Whisper is finished and brushed Jibanyan. He goes on to hand-sharpen Nate’s pencils and make his bed. Nate and Jibanyan are so impressed by the services of this “real butler” For some reason, Verygoodsir then picks up three yo-kai medals and names each one plus their special moves. Whisper doesn’t know much about any yo-kai without his tablet.

Later than night, Verygoodsir is helping Nate with his homework while Whisper looks on through tears. His roommates congratulate and adulate Verygoodsir while Whisper slips away to get a drink alone.

Nate is organizing a medallium when he notices Whisper left, but his inquiry is interrupted by Verygoodsir when the butler corrects his charge with great intensity on the right way to put Sergeant Burly’s medal in the slot. At bedtime, Nate puts the lights out, but Verygoodsir reacts poorly to Nate trying to sleep with his watch on. And he gets worse as he forces his perfectionism more and more onto Nate. So much so that the two who live in the house don’t get any sleep at all.

Whisper comes home after dawn to find his friends looking pretty sickly. They explain that Verygoodsir’s strictness made it impossible to sleep. Whisper finally has a chance to look this newcomer up and discovers that he’s a perfectionist yo-kai more than a butler. They need to get rid of him, but they aren’t sure how. Until Jibanyan decides to spend the whole day being aggressively himself. Everything Jibanyan likes to do, the things that almost got him kicked out of the house when he first tried to move in, drive Verygoodsir crazy, and he has to leave. His gifts Nate his medal before going somewhere less imperfect.

Whisper is glad that ordeal is over, and expects the lesson to be that his butlering is good enough, but stops talking when he sees his friends shopping for a new butler again.

The School Lunch Gourmet: Episode 1 ‘Curry Rice’

It’s lunch time, and everyone’s excited that it’s curry day. Nate shouts out “curry!” and his classmates buzz about it. But then Nate is overtaken by a shadow, and his face becomes angular and serious, and he begins to lament that he yelled about the curry. His excitement transformed into cold analysis of this school lunch. He narrates about the scooping technique. He narrates more about how he likes all curry rice.

Nate’s monologue is that of a scatter-brained gourmet, and his chewing has become unnatural. Bear, Eddie and Katie start to notice their friend isn’t himself just as he discovers a bite on his place with two chunks of meat. When he begins to initiate his double meat paradise special move, Katie calls out to him, breaking his concentration, causing him to drop his spoonful of meat.

Nate falls into despair, and the screen fades to black.


