
Yo-kai Watch Episode 44

7,095 bytes added, 07:09, 6 September 2016
Created page with "== “Year 3 Class Y, Mr. Nyanpachi: Episode 1” == A class of yo-kai high schoolers is taught by Mr. Nyanpachi, [[Jibanyan]] but a teacher version. It’s Mr. Nyanpachi'..."
== “Year 3 Class Y, Mr. Nyanpachi: Episode 1” ==
A class of yo-kai high schoolers is taught by Mr. Nyanpachi, [[Jibanyan]] but a teacher
version. It’s Mr. Nyanpachi's first day at a new school and an educator version of [[Komasan]] is
guiding his new colleague to class. The first thing the new teacher spots is a chalkboard eraser
lodged in the door as a trap. Mr. Nyanpachi snatches the eraser and throws the door open to
question the class, but the motion sets off a Rube Goldberg machine, catapulting an ice cream
cone through the air to be tackled by Komasan who falls onto a board, launching a sack of flour
into the hall and into a ceiling fan and raining flour onto the new teacher. Then Komasan
tumbles to the floor and knocks the door off its tracks and onto Mr. Nyanpachi. [[Roughraff]],
appropriately loves it, but his classmates look mortified. When he emerges completely flat and
completely white from under the door, he goes berserk and Komasan has to hold him back from
the delinquent lizard.

In the middle of introductions, [[Fidgephant]] loses control of his trunk, inspiriting [[Blazion]]
and Roughraff who have to rush out of the room. Sometime after that, Mr. Nyanpachi is
preparing to pass out tests, but Komasan interrupts him because this information fires up
Blazion who has to be put out with a fire extinguisher. After that, [[Tattletell]] latches onto Mr.
Nyanpachi and makes him list the answers to the test. He tears her off his jaw and has to be
prevented from beating his new students for the second time.

Another time, Komasan explains that the student who usually sits in a certain desk
doesn’t usually sit in that desk because that student never shows up.The teachers walk to the
students house with the intent to inspire this young yo-kai to come to school. Mr. Nyanpachi
calls out to the student and a mom [[Hidabat]] and a dad Hidabat beg him to help their son be less
of a shut-in. Nyanpachi delivers a speech about how a young man is fragile like an egg, so they
have to come out and grow with the help of teachers like him to keep the egg from cracking.
Hidabat throws and egg and beans Mr. Nyanpachi. And Komasan grabs the egg off his
colleague’s face and eats it. Komasan keeps his co-worker from beating up another student,
and that’s it.

== "Yo-kai Monomannequin" ==
At school, [[Bear]] has been working on his [[Eddie]] impression. He mimes using a
smartphone and mumbles about a new app and [[Nate]] deems it not bad. Bear shifts his muse to
Nate, who’s a little flattered until Bear appraises him really closely but can’t find anything to
focus on. [[Katie]] says it’s because Nate is normal. And she explains she also has some
impressions and starts with their teacher by getting into a low sumo stance and making classes
with her hands. Then she lets her tongue hang out of her mouth as she talks about a textbook.
Her friends are mortified by Katie’s non-impression. It’s so bad, Nate knows it’s another yo-kai.
[[Whisper]] pops up to disagree like usual, but it turns out Katie is being possessed by
[[Monomannequin]]. He’s a near-featureless mannequin who inspirits people and makes them do
bad impressions.

Monomannequin retaliates against Nate by having Katie not really imitate him but make
him say the kind of thing he says. And Nate affirms the impression slightly by repeating Katie’s
words and summoning [[Jibanyan]]. The dummy sees a fight coming and runs away, leaving Katie
in her normal state. They chase him all the way to the roof where he defends himself by doing
an actually perfect impression of Jibanyan fawning over an idol. Jibanyan is defeated by
embarrassment, so Nate decides [[Robonyan]] is even better suited to this fight.

Monomannequin repeats his impression attack for the new cat but fails. Robonyan
analyzes the impression and calls it out as trash. And he one-ups the impressionist by using
future technology to become actually identical using Terminator technology. Robonyan brings
Monomannequin to his knees by using his own body against him with an embarrassing dance.
Robonyan won and begins to leave, but Monomannequin grabs him as he’s passing
through the time portal. The mannequin begs to be taught by Robonyan to be a perfect
impressionist. But before Robonyan’s new pupil leaves, he gives Nate his medal.
Later, Whisper and Nate are watching Robonyan train Monomannequin poorly.

== "Yo-kai Hanahojin" ==
Nate wakes up, and the first thing he sees in Jibanyan preening in a hand mirror. He
cleans himself until he sparkles. Whisper explains to Nate that Jibanyan asked the butler to
come with him for some reason today but hasn’t said what for. [[Hidabat]] is working on something
in the closet and prints it out for Jibanyan who screams a few letters. It turns out, Jibanyan’s
favorite idol is holding a pawshake event for fans.

The line to get in wraps around the whole building, and Jibanyan brought Whisper along
to have someone to hold his place if he has to go to the bathroom. Whisper reminds his friend
that they’re both ghosts and don’t usually have to wait in line, but Jibanyan insists on doing the
honorable thing. He even accuses anyone of doing any less of being bums and garbage. He
gets so fired up he screams the letters of the group’s name again. This startles Whisper so
much, he has to go to the bathroom.

Now Jibanyan is waiting in line alone. He sees a little girl trip and let go of her balloon.
Of course she chases it, but Jibanyan can’t get out of line to help. This is a problem because the
girl is performing increasingly dangerous stunts to chase her balloon. Then she runs into the
path of a semi in a parking lot. The driver can only see the balloon and continues to roll forward
until Jibanyan can’t take it anymore and throws himself in the way and attempts, again, to beat
up a truck. He holds the truck back for a second but eventually hurts his wrist and is knocked
away. But the truck stops and doesn’t hit the girl. Jibanyan flew so high from the truck impact
that he ends up right next to the balloon, and he floats down on it.

He returns the balloon to the girl and bounds back toward line, but the line filled up while
he was on his adventure. Jibanyan takes Whisper with him to cry as he overlooks the ocean. As
he does that, the little girl passes with her older sister, the idol. And the little girl even points
Jibanyan out to her sister. The idol thanks Jibanyan for helping her little sister and kneels down
to give the cat a little kiss. But as Jibanyan is preparing for it, Nate summons him. Jibanyan
opens his eyes to see Nate with his fingers jammed up both nostrils demanding that he beat
somebody up. The somebody is [[Hanahojin]] who makes people pick their nose. Jibanyan, with
tears streaming down his face, beats up everybody in the area.


