
Yo-kai Watch Episode 22

7,280 bytes added, 05:26, 16 July 2016
Created page with "{{Episode Infobox |image={{#ev:youtube|0h2jc5hvij0|350}} |Season=1 |Number=20 |English titles=Komasan in Love Episode 2, Yo-kai Duchoo, Yo-kai Ake & Payn |Japanese titles=Koma..."
{{Episode Infobox
|English titles=Komasan in Love Episode 2, Yo-kai Duchoo, Yo-kai Ake & Payn
|Japanese titles=Komasan Shīzun 3 Koi to Poemu to Kōhī to Nihaime (コマさんシーズン3 恋とポエムとコーヒーと 2杯目), Yōkai Kazekamo (妖怪かぜカモ), Kata ga Korutte Donna Kanji? (肩がこるってどんな感じ?)
|Original air date=June 13, 2014
|English air date=January 12, 2016 (AU); February 29, 2016 (US)
|Channel=Disney XD
|Previous=[[Yo-kai Watch Episode 21]]
|Next=[[Yo-kai Watch Episode 23]]
|Discussion=[ Episode 22 Forum Post]

[[Yo-kai Watch Episode 20]] is an episode of [[Yo-kai Watch Anime]]. It consists of [[#Komasan in Love Episode 2|Komasan in Love Episode 2]], [[#Yo-kai Duchoo|Yo-kai Duchoo]] and [[#Yo-kai Ake & Payn|Yo-kai Ake & Payn]].

==Komasan in Love Episode 2===

[[Komasan]] and [[Komajiro]] are at home building a house of cards together. Komajiro is curious if Komasan is thinking about the girl he saw the other day, but Komasan is a bit hesitant to talk about it and hasn’t really acknowledged his feelings for her yet. Komajiro encourages Komasan to pursue the object of his affections, but Komasan is still reluctant. Undeterred, Komajiro urges his brother to go to the coffee shop and see if the lady shows up there again.

Since talking doesn’t seem to be working, Komajiro gets Komasan to the coffee shop the old fashioned way: by dragging him there. Finally, Komasan is swayed by his brother’s persuasion and goes inside the shop. To his surprise, the beautiful lady is there again, reading her book. Sitting down, Komasan orders coffee again. When Komasan sneaks a look at her as she reads, she finally speaks, which fills Komasan with joy at the sound of her voice. After a short while she receives a phone call, and Komasan decides to eavesdrop on her.

What he hears shocks him, as apparently she is being “targeted”! Komasan swears on his name to protect her from whoever is targeting her!

==Yo-kai Duchoo==

[[Nate]] is walking home from school with his buddies [[Bear]] and [[Eddie]] as they discuss their progress in the popular game Yo-lo Watch 2. Nate finds out that Bear and Eddie are actually way ahead of him in the game, and he vows to catch up to them. Back at home, Nate gets started on catching up to his buddies, but his parents call him down for dinner, much to his irritation. Nate wolfs down dinner and then it’s back up to his room to get playing—or it would be, if Nate didn’t fall right asleep.

Nate wakes up the next morning in a panic since he didn’t get to progress in the game like he wanted to. He asks [[Whisper]] if there’s a Yo-kai that can help him skip class to stay home and play video games, but Whisper isn’t exactly approving of that. [[Jibanyan]] seems to know a Yo-kai named Duchoo that seems to fit the description of what Nate’s looking for. The only problem is going to be actually FINDING Duchoo, but Jibanyan suggests that if Nate really and truly wishes to skip school, then Duchoo will appear.Nate does just that, and when he uses the Yo-kai Watch it reveals Duchoo! Nate pleads with

[[Duchoo]] to work his Yo-kai magic on him, so Duchoo hops on his head. Suddenly Nate starts to feel like he’s coming down with something—but when he checks his temperature, everything is normal. Whisper explains that Duchoo doesn’t actually make you sick, he just makes you try to hooky.Duchoo gives Nate some coaching on the “art” of convincing his mom that he needs to stay home from school, including body language, voice, and faking a fever. Whisper is a bit concerned, but Duchoo continues teaching Nate how to trick his mom by dipping the thermometer in hot water when she checks him for a fever.

Nate goes to actually try and trick his mom using Duchoo’s techniques; everything is going great up until she gives Nate the thermometer. His mom is watching him, so he can’t do the hot water trick. His temperature is normal, so his mom tells him to start getting ready for school. Nate frantically consults Duchoo for more advice, but Duchoo is stumped.

Not long after, something starts poking Nate in the throat, causing him to cough. Using the Yo-kai Watch again reveals Coughkoff. It turns out that Duchoo and [[Coughkoff]] are birds of a feather, as Coughkoff makes you have a hacking cough that sounds awful but isn’t real at all. Coughkoff prods at Nate some more, and his awful –sounding cough is enough to convince his mom to let him stay home. Having done their duty, Duchoo and Coughkoff leave Nate their Yo-kai Medals as they fly away.

Celebrating his victory, Nate hops into bed and starts up Yo-lo Watch 2. However it’s not long before he starts coughing and feeling woozy… he’s actually gotten sick this time! Nate’s mom re-takes his temperature and since he has a fever now, she confiscates his game system until he’s better. Nate’s plan completely backfired!

==Yo-kai Ake & Payn==

Nate’s having breakfast with his dad who seems to be having some issues with shoulder pain. Nate’s just a kid so naturally he’s curious, but when his dad asks for a massage Nate makes his exit. While Nate is walking to school, Whisper explains to him that adults get stiff and achy because they’re under stress all the time. But when Nate gets to school, something weird is going on: now everybody is feeling achy and stiff!

Nate thinks it’s odd that everyone’s all sore, but Katie points out that even elementary school kids are under a lot of stress these days, and each of his friends seems to have been doing stressful things that causes them to be sore. They point out that Nate doesn’t do a lot of stressful work, thus he doesn’t get body aches.

Of course, Nate immediately wants to get body aches so he can be like his friends, so he consults Whisper to see if there are any Yo-kai that fit the bill. Whisper is as unhelpful as always, but a quick search with the Yo-kai Watch reveals two Yo-kai jumping on [[Katie]]’s shoulders. Whisper quickly identifies the duo as Ake and Payn! Nate asks the duo if they’ll give him stiff shoulders like everybody else, but Ake doesn’t think he’s worthy yet. After Nate begs him a bit, Ake finally agrees.

The two Yo-kai spring into action and start hammering away at Nate’s shoulders—but unfortunately it seems to have no effect, as Nate is just too relaxed to get stiff shoulders. They try their very hardest but it just doesn’t have any effect at all. Payn blames himself for not being able to stiffen Nate’s shoulders, but Ake reassures him that it’s just difficult for them to do their job on “lazy children” like Nate.

[[Ake]] and [[Payn]] sit on Nate’s shoulders all day long as Ake gives Payn words of wisdom on the virtues of trying your hardest. Ultimately, Nate doesn’t get stiff shoulders, but he does get Ake and Payn’s Yo-kai Medals!



*[[Duchoo]] (debut)
*[[Coughkoff.]] (debut)
*[[Ake]] (debut)
*[[Payn]] (debut)