Last modified on 16 July 2016, at 05:28

Yo-kai Watch Episode 20

Yo-kai Watch Episode 20
Season 1
Number 20
English titles The Legend of Dandoodle, Komasan: Movin' On Up! Episode 4
Japanese titles Rejendo Yōkai! Ikemenken! (レジェンド妖怪! イケメン犬!), Komasan Shīzun 2 Inakamono wa Bara-iro ni Episode4 (コマさんシーズン2 田舎者はバラ色に Episode4)
Original air date May 30, 2014
English air date January 8, 2016 (AU); January 25, 2016 (US)
Channel Disney XD
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Yo-kai Watch Episode 20 is an episode of Yo-kai Watch Anime. It consists of The Legend of Dandoodle, and Komasan: Movin' On Up! Episode 4.

The Legend of Dandoodle

Nate is having trouble sorting his yo-kai medals. The Yo-kai Medallium is full, and he still has a pile of loose medals sitting out. Whisper offers an “elegant solution” though, and it’s to barf up a new Medallium. Nate uses at least four boxes of tissues to wipe all the ectoplasm off, and Whisper is boasting about how knowledgeable and helpful he is. Nate figures if he’s so helpful, he’ll know something about a new legendary yo-kai appearing like Shogunyan did for the first book. Nate pops all the medals into the new Medallium while reminding Whisper of how confidently he explained legendary yo-kai before.

Whisper searches frantically for an answer on his tablet and can’t find anything. He says he’s sure there’s no new legendary yo-kai coming, and then the Medallium begins to glow, summoning a new yo-kai. Whisper’s eyes literally fall out of his head when he sees it. He takes responsibility for the summoning and shouts out a countdown. The legendary song plays, but no yo-kai appears. Nate, Whisper and Jibanyan ponder what could have happened, but get distracted by women screaming outside. They look out the window and spot a white and pink dog who claims not to be a dog. He’s actually Dandoodle, the handsome-faced dog. The ladies love him.

He gives everybody heart eyes with his sparkly declarations of “fabulous,” and rejects any comparison to the nearly identical and universally reviled Manjimutt. Dandoodle is so handsome and charming that the crowd of women barely notice him peeing on a wall in the street. But the police do take notice that he is a human-faced dog like they always have to arrest. But Dandoodle gets out of jail because at least one woman works at the station and lets him out because he asked.

Dandoodle invites himself to school with Nate for “worrying” him yesterday, even though Nate barely cares. Dandoodle wants to persuade Nate to bring him everywhere by showcasing his secret legendary ability: making other people super handsome too. He transforms Whisper into the strong-jawed Bruce Willisper. Then Will Smithper. And Jibanyan is changed into Leonardo DiCaprinyan. Nate is disturbed by this power and demands Dandoodle stop. But also falls under the power of handsomeness, completely changing his face’s art style and his own behavior. Throughout the day, he creeps out everyone in class. Remembering his duties, even despite being so handsome, Will Smithper saves Nate from his weirdness by punching his face back to normal. It launches Nate through the door into the hall, but returns him to normal. He comes to, and Katie tells him directly how creepy he is. After school, Nate, Whisper and Jibanyan have all punched each other. Their faces are all normal and all angry when they scold Dandoodle, “being handsome was a disaster.”

Dandoodle is down after all his bravado in the morning. They invite Dandoodle to talk about his trouble, and they take him to Manjimutt’s favorite restaurant. Dandoodle tells the story of how he was fired for being too handsome in his human life. And that same night, he was wandering the streets drunk and was crushed beneath some boards like his ugly counterpart. While he’s telling his story, he is passively making everyone and everything handsome. The guy serving them, the food, a cockroach and even a poster become handsome. The stall is swarmed by screaming women and is overtaken. In appreciation for Nate’s kindness, Dandoodle awards Nate his medal.

Komasan: Movin' On Up! Episode 4

Komasan accidentally climbed all the way up the corporate ladder, and he’s standing in the company president’s office having a chat. The president is so grateful to his yo-kai employee, and he announces to his young friend that he’s retiring and asks Komasan to succeed him. Komasan can’t believe it because he still thinks he has janitorial duties, but his presidential duties begin immediately on a trial basis. He sees the temporarily ex-president off at the airport and his assistant literally drags Komasan out of the airport, explaining his meeting schedule. Komasan and his assistant ride in a giant stretch limo to a conference where Komasan is speaking, a photoshoot, a board meeting and a personal dinner with another executive.

The interum president looks over his classy meal and thinks about Komajiro would love it, and he misses his brother. Somewhere else in Springdale, Komajiro is eating riceballs by the river and missing his big brother as well. Later, Komasan asks if they can pick Komajiro up in the limo, but he’s already asleep when Komasan gets there. And he finds tea and riceballs with a note telling the super-busy Komasan “don’t forget to eat.”

Komasan is having another personal meeting with the president who asks for Komasan to stay on as president permanently. But Komasan declines. He explains he is proud of his work, but can’t be so busy as to neglect his brother. He delivers a heartfelt speech about the difficulty of his decision and the president can only reply with a classic “that’s it!” Komasan cries and thanks the president for understanding.

That afternoon, Komajiro is sitting by the river, and Komasan calls out to him. Komajiro asks why Komasan isn’t at work, and Komasan tells his little brother, “ I quit… after all, food tastes so much better when we’re together.”


