Last modified on 11 April 2016, at 22:18


Revision as of 22:18, 11 April 2016 by ShmoopWoop (Talk | contribs) (It's 'loaf', not 'aloof'.)

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Each Yo-kai has 2 Attitude or ATTD. First part of the Attitude deals with the amount of slacking off a Yo-kai does in battle. The second part affects the Yo-kai's statistical growth.

First Part of Attitude

First part of Attitude deals with the yo-kai's aloofness in battle, particularly during auto-attacks when the player is not controlling them directly.

From the best to worst:

  1. Serious - least likely to loaf around.
  2. Stiff
  3. Carefree
  4. Loafer - most likely to loaf around.
  • Players can use the book A Serious Life to increase this part of the attitude by 1 level once per Yo-kai.

Second Part of Attitude

Second part of Attitude affects a Yo-kai's stats gained when leveling up and its AI during combat. At level 99, it gives the Yo-kai 30 additional points in 1 stat or 15 additional points in 2 stats. While players can change this part of Attitude anytime with books, stats already gained are stuck with the Yo-kai.

Attitude Stat(s) Gained Battle Action Preference Associated Book
Grouchy STR/HP Attack Think Karate
Rough STR+ Attack+ Use Karate
Logical SPR/SPD Technique Skill Compendium
Brainy SPR+ Technique+ Skill Encyclopedia
Twisted STR/SPD Inspirit The Pest's Quest
Cruel SPD+ Inspirit+ The Perfect Pest
Helpful HP/SPD Inspirit Ally Support Life #7
Devoted STR/DEF Inspirit Ally+ Support Special
Gentle HP/SPR Heal Allies Li'l Angel Heals
Tender HP+ Heal Allies+ Bye, Li'l Angel
Careful DEF/SPR Defend Get Guarding
Calm DEF+ Defend+ Guard Gloriously
  • "+" means a value is amplified.


Second part of the Attitude does not instantly change your stats when you change it - it influences your stats on level-up.


I took a Lv1 Frostail, changed its Attitude, then levelled it up to Lv32 (that's the most I could do with the Exporbs I had on-hand). That's 31 levels gained. I then reset, rinsed and repeated, and recorded the results.


  • Stat gains on level-up are not random, so no need to soft-reset every level if you're a min-maxer.
  • Over 31 levels, each Attitude offered +8 to each stat it boosted. For example, with Logical, the SPR and SPD were each 8 points higher than with Grouchy (an Attitude that doesn't boost those stats). Conversely, with Grouchy, the HP and STR were each 8 points higher than with Logical.
  • Single-stat boosting Attitudes (like Brainy's "SPR+") just do double work. In other words, over my 31 levels, my Brainy Frostail had 16 more SPR than a non-SPR boosting Attitude (that's +8 x2). By extension, the Brainy (SPR+) Frostail had 8 more SPR than a regular SPR boosting Attitude (such as Logical).
  • The inherent stats of the Yo-Kai DO NOT MATTER for Attitude. You will gain the exact same amount of SPD from a SPD-increasing Attitude regardless of whether your Yo-Kai is naturally super-slow or super-speedy. This means that you can compensate for weaknesses easily using Attitudes.
  • Even HP gets the same amount as the other stats. This is imbalanced since HP is generally a higher number than all of the other stats, so I would avoid HP-increasing Attitudes for min-maxing purposes, such as Grouchy (HP/STR), Helpful (HP/SPD), Gentle (HP/SPR), or Tender (HP+).
  • Not all Yo-Kai can have every Attitude. Those with damaging Techniques cannot be Gentle/Tender (as those are for healing Techniques), and those with healing Techniques cannot be Logical/Brainy (as those are for damaging Techniques). Those with ally Inspirits cannot be Twisted/Cruel (as those are for enemy Inspirits), and those with enemy Inspirits cannot be Helpful/Devoted (as those are for ally Inspirits).


Attitudes contribute a total +30 points overall to your Yo-Kai's stats combined. This includes HP. Unfortunately, HP is a number that scales much higher than other stats do - it is normally a number that exceeds most, if not all, of the other statistics by a good margin. This means that investing in HP using Attitudes is generally a weak idea, and results in an overall lessened impact on stats. If you're looking for survivability, I'd recommend a DEF nature over HP. That means avoid Grouchy, Helpful, Devoted, Gentle, and Tender.

Here are some recommendations. These are based ENTIRELY off of statistics, not the behavior-influencing concept.

Pure Physical Attackers: Rough (STR+) is always excellent. If the Yo-Kai is capable of Twisted (STR/SPD) or Cruel (SPD+), use those if the Yo-Kai could use some balancing. I like to keep SPD not lagging behind STR too much.

  • Examples: I used Cruel on my Snartle because of his naturally excellent STR but low SPD. I used Rough on my Shogunyan because of his excellent SPD but lagging STR.

Pure Elemental Attackers: Logical (SPR/SPD) is my favorite Attitude of all time. A lot of Technique users have high SPR and just slightly lower SPD, so this balance keeps them going. If you are already satisfied with their SPD and want to jack up their damage, Brainy (SPR+) is fine. If their SPR is fine and they have the option available, Cruel (SPD+) can help balance them.

  • Examples: My Frostail is Logical because his SPR is through the roof, he needs some SPD, but he cannot use Cruel because he has the wrong type of Inspirit.

Mixed Attackers: Logical (SPR/SPD) is an option for every offensive Yo-Kai and is always a wise choice. A lot of mixed attackers tend to be lower on STR, so Rough (STR+) is good to help keep the stats balanced. If available, you can use Twisted (STR/SPD) if their STR is lagging behind their SPR, or Cruel (SPD+) if their attack stats are fine but you want more turns.

  • Examples: Thanks to his STR-based Soultimate but poor Strength, I used Rough on my Venoct to get him up to par. Because of her STR-based Soultimate and acceptable Attack command, I used Twisted (STR/SPD) on my Damona.

Defenders: Calm (DEF+) accomplishes pretty much everything you'd want. If it has a strong Attack command you want to prioritize, you can use Devoted (ATK/DEF), but only if he has a positive Inspirit. If it has a strong Technique you want to encourage, you can use Careful (DEF/SPR).

  • Examples: Although Calm (DEF+) is perfectly fine, Castellius Max has a very strong Attack command and a good STR stat, so Devoted (ATK/DEF) is a good option for him.

Healers: Healing is always SPR based, Healers are mostly focused on survival, and most of the healing Attitudes increase HP, which I mentioned disliking before. The only good Attitude for them is Careful (DEF/SPR), to increase survivability and healing.

Default Attitude

Every Yo-Kai has a default Attitude. For example, no matter how many Everfore you get, they will all be Twisted. These Attitudes usually make sense for the Yo-Kai's behavior, but are not always wise for their stats, so please consider changing them with a book immediately if it's an important Yo-Kai.