
Yo-kai Watch Episode 2

7,168 bytes added, 00:45, 2 February 2016
==The One in the Water==
In the 2nd episode of Yo-kai Watch, Nate starts right off into the action – standing by a small stream, Nate remarks how people had been saying they'd seen something strange around those parts. Whisper, always standing by, swoops in and asks what people had seen. Nate says they'd described it as a “human-like creature with green skin and a bowl-like head”, and Whisper knows that this is most likely a “kappa”. (Whisper finds this out by secretly looking at a Yo-kai guide, the cheater.)
Whisper urges him to shine the light from the Yo-kai Watch on the area, as “another Yo-kaily encounter awaits you”. Despite being visibly nervous, Nate shines his light, and spots the creature almost immediately... or, so he thinks.
Whisper points out the “bowl” of the creature, popping out from just above the water. Meanwhile, the actual kappa is standing right behind them, gesturing to try and get their attention. Whisper waffles on and on about tiny details of the bowl and what it means about the age of the kappa, all while the kappa is hanging around behind them.
Suddenly, a man dashes down to the waterside and picks up the bowl from the water – which, in actuality, is just a bowl and not a kappa at all. The kappa watches, standing beside Nate and Whisper, as the man trips and the bowl lands on his head. “Wow!” they exclaim, “Look, it's a kappa!” They all start laughing... all but the real kappa, who stands there, frustrated, and commenting how they must be doing this on purpose.
==Why Did You Say That!?==
Flash forward to Nate at school, who is sneakily trying to make his way to the bathroom. When he emerges, Katie, the girl Nate has a crush on, follows him. When he gets back to class, she comments loudly... loud enough for the whole class to hear... that Nate just did a “number two” on the toilet. Nate is petrified and incredibly embarrassed as the entire class laughs at him, and he questions why Katie would ever say such a thing in public.
This literal “toilet humor” is the bulk of this episode, and... while awkward... everyone who watches it has to admit that the gimmicks and jokes are hilarious, and make you laugh, despite yourself.
As Whisper and Nate walk between classes, Nate bemoans his unfortunate and awkward situation with Katie. Whisper reveals that Katie's strange comments are likely the doings of a Yo-kai, and urges Nate to shine his Yo-kai Watch light on her to see.
Right below Katie's chin, a small Yo-kai that looks similar to an old lady is hanging – Tattletell! Whisper looks up Tattletell on the Yo-kai guide, and finds out that she will cause whoever she possesses to immediately reveal any secrets that they know.
Nate hilariously vows vengeance on the Yo-kai – he declares that there is nothing so vile as a Yo-kai that would make someone reveal that they had gone “number two” at school. He says that he will “befriend the crap outta this Yo-kai”, to which Whisper notes the appropriateness of the comment.
Nate tracks down Katie and tries to warm her that there's a Yo-kai on her, but the Yo-kai immediately forces her to explain to her friends that Nate did a “number two” at school. Nate almost faints from embarrassment!
Just as Nate is about to explain to Katie the nature of the Yo-kai, Tattletell hops off her chin and makes a run for it.
This instigates a rousing chase, where Nate dashes between scenes as Tattletell jumps for just a moment onto the faces of strangers. The Yo-kai forces a barber to say that he made a mistake, a girl to admit she doesn't like a guy who wants to go out with her, and even a thief to admit where he hid his stash of money!
Finally, the duo corner Tattletell, who continues to mock and make faces at poor Nate, who is still Katieng about Katie revealing that he went “number two”. Whisper says that Nate needs to utilize the full power of the Yo-kai Watch – he reveals that Yo-kais Nate has befriended can be summoned anywhere by the watch, and that they can then do battle for him!
Nate pulls out Jibanyan's Yo-kai Medal, summons him, and watches as he falls limp to the ground with a large bump on his head. Turns out that the cat-spirit had been “fighting a car” just as Nate had summoned him, and was nearly unconscious. When he finally comes to, Nate tells him to fight Tattletell... to which Jibanyan lazily responses with a “why should I?” and lounges on the ground. Even Tattletell begins to rest and sip at tea while Nate pleads with Jibanyan to fight!
Finally, the cat-spirit is persuaded, and jumps into the fray, using his “Paws of Fury” attack, which totally fails. Tattletell latches on to Jibanyan's chin, and makes him admit that he's completely obsessed with an all-girl musical group, even imaging that he kisses them goodnight before going to bed.
When Tattletell finally jumps off of his chin, Jibanyan is furious – he glows with a black, fiery energy, but still decides not to fight, instead running off, crying, as all his secrets are now revealed.
Nate decides to summon a different Yo-kai to aid him, and realizes that Happierre would make Tattletell so happy that she wouldn't be such a trickster. When Happierre is summoned, nothing happens – instead, a short “phone recording” plays, explaining that he and his wife are on a vacation in Hawaii right now and can't “answer the phone”.
Nate despairs, since he's all out of Yo-kai Medals... but, scraping at the bottom of his pocket, Nate finds the medal for Walkappa, the kappa they befriended earlier.
Of course, as soon as Walkappa is summoned, Tattletell jumps on to his chin and tries to make him reveal his secrets. Hilarious, Walkappa doesn't have any interesting or embarrassing secrets to tell! Tattletell can't feed off the energy of embarrassment, and gets so tired she passes out, making Walkappa the winner of the fight.
When Tattletell awakens, she has tears in her eyes, and Whispers announces that she feels bad for all she's done and has “found her conscience”. Nate announces they should be friends, and receives her Yo-kai Medal. Nate thanks Walkappa for helping ensure that he can finally go to the bathroom at school in peace!
==Katie's Secret==
Later on, after scoring notedly “average” on a test, Nate and Whisper run into Katie, who is looking really glum. When Nate asks what's wrong, Katie won't tell... so he summons Tattletell so Katie will reveal her secret.
Katie reveals that she can't go home and tell her Mom that she got anything lower than a 100% on the exam. Nate resolves that he should let Tattletell stay attached to Katie a little bit longer, so it will be easier for Katie to tell her mother.
When Katie gets home, she admits to her low scores, and apologizes to her mother. Thankfully, her mom says that it's ok to not be perfect all the time, and Katie feels better. Meanwhile, Nate and Whisper are listening in from outside the window, and admit that, sometimes, it's good not to keep secrets!
In the end, the message is a great one – while sometimes it's good to keep some things to yourself, keeping secrets all the time isn't good for anyone. Sometimes, you just have to let them out!