
How to IV/EV train your Yo-kai

2,450 bytes added, 01:08, 2 December 2015
{{see also|Guides}}
'''1.''' Abuse the [[Yo-kai Cam#Exploit|Yo-kai Cam feature]] to obtain a large amount of [[Holy Exporb]]s and [[Crank-a-kai]] [[Coins]]. For reference, it takes 55 Holy Exporbs to raise a level 1 [[Rank S Yo-kai]] to level 99. You also may want the [[attitude]] altering [[books]] if you plan to change your Yokai's attitude right away.
Of course, this method of soft resetting for Yokai IVs can be applied to other Yokai you can obtain! A Yokai does not have predetermined stats. The stats will always be randomized upon recruiting it, so you are free to soft reset any default Yokai you recruit through the [[story]] or stationary Yokai you find in the game, such as [[Kyubi]], [[Tengu]], and [[Dromp]], and even the [[Legendary Yo-kai]] that you get when you check your [[tribes|medallium]] after fully completing a page in it. The method of checking IVs on wild Yokai is a bit more difficult, since you recruit them at random levels, and the recruitment itself can be a time consuming hassle. However, if you have some Exp Orbs at your disposal, you can raise lower level wild Yokai you capture instantly to match a higher level one, and then you are free to compare stats to cherry pick the best one from a wider selection pool. Also, keep in mind that level 1 Yokai have an edge against higher level Yokai, since they have more level ups to gain and you can change their attitude along the way to make them have better stats than a higher level Yokai. Because of this, Crank-a-Kai Yokai and legendary Yokai have much more room to grow and can have their stats altered to become much more suited to your liking. As of this moment, it is unknown how fusing Yokai and evolving Yokai impact their EVs or IVs, so it is best that you work on Crank-a-Kai, Legendary, and Stationary Yokai first until the mechanics of fusing and evolving are figured out.
Now, all of this means absolutely nothing without understand how Yokai IVs and EVs work. Yokai have EVs, but they do not work like in Pokemon where you must battle a select set of enemies in order to train. Yokai EVs are determined by their [[attitude]], which can be altered by using [[books]]. Not every Yokai can have every attitude, so you will have to make the best choice out of what is available to that Yokai. Once you have the desired Attitude on your Yokai, you are free to level it up by any means you wish (battling, orbs, missions, etc.) and the attitude it has will do the rest of the work for you and provide your Yokai with EVs as it levels up. You can also mix and match attitudes if you want a well rounded Yokai. For example, if you level up a Yokai 20x with one attitude, and then switch it to another and level it up another 20x, you will have gained benefits from two separate attitudes, albeit at half the strength of each since you did not fully commit to one attitude or the other. In other words, training one Yokai from level 1 to 99 with only one attitude will reap the maximum benefits from the boosts that attitude offers.
And now to cover IVs. Instead of being [[stats|stat based]] like in Pokemon, Yokai IVs work in ranked increments. The ranked increments start at level 1, and work their way up to a potential level 8. However, not all stats have 8 ranks. In general, most have 6 ranks, though some can have 7. Each ranked increment will raise the Yokai's stats by a set amount for each rank that increment increases. At lower levels, it does not look like it is making much of a difference, but just to give you an example of why they can be important, an [[Eterna]] at level 44 with a Speed stat of 94 at rank 1 in [[Speed]] has 11 points less than an Eterna at level 44 with 105 in Speed at the maximum rank of 6 for that stat. When both are brought up to level 99, the Eterna with 94 Speed will end up with a Speed of 206, while the Eterna with 105 in Speed will end up having 231. That is a 25 point difference, which is quite relevant when you consider that is akin to having a second item equipped. Its almost like having a free [[Meteor Badge]]. In terms of Spirit, a 25 point difference would be equal to using one of the Element boosting rings, which again, is like having a free item. So, Yokai IVs are important and you should try your best to get a Yokai with good IVs.