
Rank S Challenge

20 bytes added, 03:09, 10 November 2015
[[Rank S Challenge]] is the number 101 [[request]] in [[Yo-Kai Watch]]. The quest-giver for the request is located in Timers & More in [[Blossom Heights]].
Head Go to Yo-kai World and crush .*Defeat [[Impass ]] on Liar Mountain, . *Defeat [[Appak ]] on Hooligan Road, and .*Defeat [[Timidevil ]] in Hungry Pass. Completing this feat and talking *Talk to [[Mr. Goodsight will raise ]] to complete this and increase your rank to S and .*It will also make each and every [[Yo-kai ]] visible! Raise your party’s .*Increase party level above to over 40 and unleash a flurry of unlock many [[Soultimate Moves]].