Last modified on 28 November 2015, at 05:38


Revision as of 05:38, 28 November 2015 by Yokai watch fans (Talk | contribs)

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Type Request
Number 70
Story Chapter 8
Watch Rank C
Time Night
Location Shopper’s Row
Reward 496 EXP, Pretty Ring
Superfandom is the number 70 request in Yo-Kai Watch. The quest-giver for the request is located in Whatta Find in Shopper’s Row.


  • A high school student at Rolling Waves Park has the idol pic your quest giver wants.
  • The correct location of the problem posed to you by the student is Arcadia Arcade.
  • Loo at the poster in the northeast corner to find a Faded Idol Pic.
  • Give it to the high school student and you’ll get the Shiny Idol Pic.
  • Return it to Whatta Find to complete the request.

