Title: Yo-Kai Are Real!, The Spooky Intersection Air date: October 5, 2015 Channel: Disney XD Air time: 5PM Description: Nate is introduced into the world of the Yo-Kai by his new ghostly butler Whisper and the Yo-Kai Watch, and just in time to save his parents' marriage from the unintentional disruption of the Yo-Kai Dismarelda with her husband Happierre. Whisper explains more of the Yo-Kai to Nate just as they find an intersection haunted by Jibanyan, a ghost of a cat hit by a car who wants to prove himself to his former owner, but Nate's kind words make Jibanyan finally believe in himself and he becomes Nate's friend. Review: Yo-kai Watch Episode 1 Review
The dubbing is quite good even though I prefer the japanese opening to the english one. I found it weird that they changed the pudding part to yogurt. Maybe pudding is considered too childish?
Disney probably told them to shorten the intro. I found it weird that they made the watch impossible to take off after upon. I hope it dosen't come back and haunt them later.
I guess yogurt instead of pudding makes sense because it's more common for adults to get yogurt over pudding, at least I think.