I'm currently playing Yo-Kai Watch Bony Spirits and have befriended an Irewig, which is version exclusive. I was hoping I could trade with someone who has Fleshy Souls so I can get the version exclusive Wotchagot. I was also hoping someone could get a Mermaidyn from Gourd Pond for me right after the D-Rank Watch upgrade. I'm at a point where I can't reach that area. I'd be willing to trade another Irewig for that for them to use for Soulcery perhaps of just to have their own. My 3DS Friend Code: 5086-1965-6195
I will ask my friend, she may have one of these. I know she had a pretty hefty collection going last time I seen everything. I unfortantly do not have either.
I do not. I wish I did. Seems to be a rare one. I can't think of anyone I know who has it. I can ask on another forum I am on, see if anyone has one there.