Yo-kai Watch Episode 25

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Yo-kai Watch Episode 25
Season 1
Number 25
English titles Jibanyan's Secret
Japanese titles Jibanyan no Himitsu (ジバニャンの秘密)
Original air date July 4, 2014
English air date January 15, 2016 (AU); March 3, 2016 (US)
Channel Disney XD
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Yo-kai Watch Episode 23 is an episode of Yo-kai Watch Anime. It consists of Jibanyan's Secret.

Jibanyan's Secret

Opening with a Twilight Zone-style introduction delivered by Whisper, this special episode focuses on Jibanyan’s memories and past. Nate is chilling out in his room while Whisper and Jibanyan follow an exercise program on TV. Nate’s getting a little irritated with the duo’s loud exercising which sparks an argument between Nate and Jibanyan about whether Jibanyan is a “pet.”

Quickly recapping the events of Jibanyan’s life (and death), Whisper reminds us that Jibanyan’s former owner called him “lame” in his dying moments, which upsets Jibanyan all over again. Jibanyan’s sick of Nate and when Nate tells him to leave, he just does that.

Sometime after that, Jibanyan is walking down the street when he sees Katie who he feels would treat him better than Nate, so he decides to go live with her. Meanwhile, Nate is feeling bad for how he acted earlier so he and Whisper are out looking for Jibanyan. As they’re walking down the street, a suspicious pair of Yo-kai are spying on them…

After a bit of discussion about Jibanyan’s real feelings for Nate, Whisper manages to spot Jibanyan walking home with Katie which sends Whisper into a panic. Whisper tries to distract Nate from seeing Jibanyan and Katie out of fear that it will upset Nate, but when Nate realizes what’s going on he is actually happy about it, much to Whisper’s shock.

Once again Nate is being watched by a pair of Yo-kai named Kin and Gin, a pair of old lady Yo-kai that seem to be after Nate’s Yo-kai for some reason, starting with Jibanyan! Kin and Gin fuse their powers together to summon a massive clock in the sky that fires a beam at Jibanyan, warping him away!

It looks like Jibanyan’s been warped back in time, as he’s suddenly back to being a normal cat again! And he’s back in his old owner Amy’s house! He hears Amy arguing with her family, but this time things are a little different. Jibanyan can see Dismarelda causing the family argument, but he’s just a regular cat now so there’s no way for him to tell her about it.

Jibanyan is so happy to be back with Amy that he feels like he could forgive her for what happened, wondering how such a sweet girl like Amy could call him “lame” at all. Amy grabs Jibanyan and takes him for a wild bike ride that nearly scares poor Jibanyan to death, before they go to a field together for a rest.

Amy confesses her real feelings to Jibanyan; how she feels like Jibanyan is the only one she can really talk to, since her friends don’t really care about her and her parents are always arguing. Amy promises that Jibanyan and she will always be together, but Jibanyan isn’t so sure…

Meanwhile, Nate and Whisper are still trying to figure out where Jibanyan disappeared to. Whisper suggests that Jibanyan will come back eventually, but Nate has a weird feeling about the situation.

Back with Amy and Jibanyan, they’re spending the day together going shopping and having ice cream. Unbeknownst to Amy though, the Grim Reaper Association has selected her for a “game” of chance in which her life hangs in the balance. Jibanyan and Amy are still out shopping together, and Amy shares her dreams of being a designer with Jibanyan.

Amy sees her friends calling for her across a crosswalk, and she runs toward them—without realize a huge truck is hurdling straight towards her!! Jibanyan suddenly recalls that this is exactly what happened before, as he dashes into the crosswalk to sacrifice his life for Amy—but he suddenly finds himself in a bizarre black void with the giant purple clock from before.

Kin and Gin are granting Jibanyan a chance to rewrite history so that he does not sacrifice his life and never becomes a Yo-kai. He’d be able to live out his life as a beloved pet cat without having to die and be reincarnated. Despite this, Jibanyan refuses to rewrite history because he finally realizes how much Amy loved him. Suddenly the black void begins to crack and shatter, returning Jibanyan to reality where he repeats his actions from before, knocking Amy out of the way of the truck which kills him.

Jibanyan immediately reincarnates as his Yo-kai self and is able to witness the truth of the events following his death. In reality, Amy did not blame Jibanyan for being killed—she blamed herself for allowing him to be killed. Jibanyan’s memories come flooding back and he realizes that Amy truly always loved him, and vows to never forget his former owner’s love.

At the last moment before Jibanyan warps forward in time, Amy is able to see his spirit, and Jibanyan bids her farewell. Back in the present, Jibanyan falls from the sky right in front of Nate and Whisper. Kin and Gin curse their plan’s failure and warp away to report to their “leader.”

Back at home, Nate and Jibanyan apologize for their earlier argument, and just as they’re about to hug each other Nate’s mom accuses Nate of eating all the chocolate cake, which was clearly Jibanyan’s fault. This sparks yet another argument between Nate and Jibanyan—looks like everything’s back to normal!


