Yo-kai Cam

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In Yo-kai Cam, players can use their 3DS' cameras to take pictures of real life people. The camera will recognize different faces and generate the Yo-kai inspiriting them based on it. Yo-kai Cam is unlocked at Chapter 2. Players can access the camera at the bottom of the title screen.

  • Note that if you don't a lot of people to take pictures of, you can google faces of people on the internet and take pictures of images.

Rewards from Photos

Players will earn rewards based on the number of unique Yo-kai they have uncovered while taking photos. Taking pictures of the same person will generate the same Yo-kai. Players can pick up their rewards at Window 3 of Lambert Post Office.

# of Yo-kai Reward
1 Bronze Doll
3 Bitter Medicine
5 Medium Exporb
10 Top Techniques
15 Tough Bell
20 Hidden Hits
30 A Serious Life
40 Mighty Medicine
50 Illusion Ring
60 Large Exporb
70 Reflector
80 Mega Exporb
90 Die of Fate
100 Soul Secrets
110 Galaxy Charm
120 Turnabeads
130 Golden Doll
140 Fiend Charm
150 Ancient Scale
160 Fiend Badge
170 Reversword
180 Heavenly Sash
190 Fiend Ring
200 Holy Exporb
210 Vampiric Fangs
223 Fiend Band

Rewards from Challenges

Challenges task the players to find a particular type of Yo-kai by taking photos with the Yo-kai Cam. There is a different challenge each day, changing at 6:00AM 3DS time.

Challenge Reward
Bearded Yo-kai Beefy Bell
Black Yo-kai Purple Coin
Blue Yo-kai Blue Coin
Brave Yo-kai Sun Bracelet
Bug-like Yo-kai Black Syrup x10
Canine Yo-kai Beef Tongue x5
Charming Yo-kai Pretty Ring
Eerie Yo-kai Sticker of Hate
Feline Yo-kai Speed Bell
Girl Yo-kai Heavenly Sash
Green Yo-kai Green Coin
Heartful Yo-kai Shiny Badge
Horned Yo-kai Brute Bracer
Legend Yo-kai Holy Exporb x5
Mysterious Yo-kai Top Techniques
Pink Yo-kai Pink Coin
Rank A Yo-kai Golden Doll
Rank B Yo-kai Mega Exporb
Rank C Yo-kai Silver Doll x2
Rank D Yo-kai Large Exporb x2
Rank E Yo-kai Dancing Star x3
Rank S Yo-kai Holy Exporb
Rare Yo-kai Holy Exporb x3
Shady Yo-kai Dancing Star x3
Slippery Yo-kai Mighty Medicine
Sword Yo-kai Cursed Blade
Tasty Yo-kai Shrimp Rice Ball x5
Tough Yo-kai Medium Exporb x3
White Yo-kai Clenzall
Winged Yo-kai Speed Talisman x5
Yellow Yo-kai Yellow Coin


Below is a exploit to get unlimited Holy Exporb and every other Yo-kai cam Challenge rewards.

1. The rewards for the daily cycles of yo-cam has a total of 64 different ones, they are NOT randomly pick, but rather, always in the same order. A common exploit use in the Japanese version is to get the last daily, "snap a legendary yokai". For me, the date is 10/07/2016 (after testing), so I set it to this date.

2. snap this picture. http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/youkaiwatch_nyansoku/imgs/2/0/204f1339-s.jpg This picture has a very high rate of getting elder bloom, keep trying until you do.

3. load your game in the post office, you'll get 5 holy exporbs. (20,000 x 5)

4. add/subtract 64 days to the current day, and repeat. for me, I shuffle between10/07/2016 and 12/10/2016

5. this can work for all the daily cams, so you can use this to your advantage. Here are a list of images for coins: http://imgur.com/a/DWY88